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Practise Your Singing: Rehearse for Participation in the 20th Anniversary Celebration: Eucharist #8

Songs for the Eucharist on Mercy Day. Prepared by The Congregation

24 September 2014

Theme for the day: Celebrating Mercy Day

Opening Song: Gather. © Words and Music by Liam Lawton Used with permission.


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Gather from the East, gather from the West,
Gather from the highways too.
Gather from the North, gather from the South,
Gather when the night is noon.
And we’ll gather, and we shall reap,
And no longer in sadness we’ll weep,
And we’ll gather, and we shall reap
resting, rising, calling, guiding O Lord.

Gather all the needy, gather all in pain,
Gather all who cry in vain.
Gather all the thirsty, gather all the poor,
Gather all in Jesus’ name.
Gather all forgotten, gather all forlorn,
Gather all who weep and mourn.
Gather all the silent, gather all who sing,
Gather all the hearts reborn.
Gather from all races, gather from all creeds,
Gather that you may believe.
Gather all you ages, gather in his keep,
Gather in the Lord’s own peace.

Water Ritual. Come to the Water. © John Foley SJ. Used with permission.
Singer: Marie Cox rsm. Violinist: Ailish O'Brien rsm

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 O let all who thirst,
let them come to the water.
And let all who have nothing,
let them come to the Lord:
without money, without price.
Why should you pay the price,
except for the Lord?

And let all who seek,
let them come to the water.
And let all who have nothing,
let them come to the Lord:
without money, without strife.
Why should you spend your life,
except for the Lord?
And let all who toil,
let them come to the water.
And let all who are weary,
let them come to the Lord:
all who labor, without rest.
How can your soul find rest,
except for the Lord?

And let all the poor,
let them come to the water,
Bring the ones who are laden,
bring them all to the Lord:
bring the children without might.
Easy the load and light:
come to the Lord.

 Like A Shepherd. © Bob Dufford. Saint Louis Jesuits. Used with permission
Singer: Marie Cox rsm. Violinist: Ailish O'Brien rsm

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Like a Shepherd He feeds His flock and gathers the lambs in His arms
Holding them carefully close to His heart, leading them home.
Say to the cities of Judah,
“Prepare the way of the Lord!
Go to the mountaintop! Lift your voice!
Jerusalem, here is your God!”
“I Myself will shepherd them
for others have lead them astray.
The lost I will rescue and heal their wounds
and pasture them giving them rest.”

“Come unto Me
if you are heavily burdened
And take My yoke upon your shoulders.
I will give you rest.“

Alleluia: Pilgrim Song. © Liam Lawton Used with permission
Singer: Marie Cox rsm. Violinist: Ailish O'Brien rsm

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Alle, Allelu, Alleluia (x4)
Speak, O Lord your servant here is listening. You have the message of eternal life. (x2)
Alle, Allelu, Alleluia (x4)

Prayers of Intercession (Beginning and End). Let us Pray Well © Catherine Teresa Martin rsm. Used with permission. Singer: Marie Cox rsm. Violinist: Ailish O'Brien rsm

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Let us pray well and never grow weary, let us pray well and never grow tired (x2)
Always pray well, never grow weary. Always pray well, never grow tired.

Sanctus © Liam Lawton (The Glendalough Mass). Used with permission
Singer: Marie Cox rsm. Violinist: Ailish O'Brien rsm

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Holy, Holy Lord, Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest

Acclamation After Consecration © Liam Lawton (The Glendalough Mass). Used with permission
Singer: Marie Cox rsm. Violinist: Ailish O'Brien rsm

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Save us Saviour of the world, (x3)
For by your cross and Resurrection, you have set us free, you have set us free.

Great Amen (Sung)

Lamb of God © Liam Lawton (The Glendalough Mass). Used with permission
Singer: Marie Cox rsm. Violinist: Ailish O'Brien rsm

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Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us (x2)
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant us your peace.
Communion. Come Feast At this Table. © Ian Callanan. Collection: In Beauty We Walk. Used with permission. Singer Marie Cox rsm. Violinist Ailish O'Brien rsm

Tune: O sacrament most holy, O sacrament divine, All praise and all thanks giving be every moment thine.

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Come feast at this table,
God’s banquet now is spread.
With bread of life and saving cup,
Our hunger now is fed.

I am the bread of life, come down from heav’n come down to bring life. All who eat this bread, will never hunger again. Refrain

I am the wine of hope, poured out for you, for life renewed.
All who drink this cup, will never thirst again.

I am the resurrection, the life for all who follow my way.
All who believe in me, will never die but live.

 Suscipe of Catherine McAuley. Music © Catherine Teresa Martin rsm. Used with permission.   

The recording here is of the students from St Patrick's Primary School Hilltown, Newry, Co. Down, Northern Ireland trained by Miss Una Lawless. Their voices are heard from the second refrain

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Recessional. Circle of Mercy © Jeannette Goglia rsm (Americas). Used with permission

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In Mercy, we touch the hearts of those who are in misery.
In Mercy, we’re touched by them and feel their strength and courage.
In Mercy, we heal the pain of those who are in sorrow.
In Mercy, we’re healed by them and see the face of hope.

For the Circle of Mercy is timeless
it is Spirit of Life itself
which roots us in Faith,
and lifts us in Hope and holds us in God’s loving care,
And holds us in God’s loving care.


In Mercy, we welcome those the world has left rejected.
In Mercy, we’re drawn within the loving heart of God.
In Mercy, we forgive the incompleteness in another,
In Mercy, our sins are healed and we are whole again.
In Mercy, the Spirit Faith will root us in God’s Presence.
In Mercy, the Spirit Hope will lift us out of doubt.
In Mercy, the love of God will be our joy in living,
In Mercy, we join with one another on our journey.

Click here to find the songs to be used in the Prayer Rituals:
23 SeptemberAmericas
24 September: The Congregation
25 SeptemberGreat Britain
26 September am: Australia & Papua New Guinea
26 September pmNewfoundland
28 SeptemberNew Zealand
29 SeptemberPhilippines