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Christmas Greetings from the Mercy world

As we bring this year to its conclusion, we invite you to share a Christmas greeting with the global Mercy community.

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“..because there was no room for them at the inn.” (Luke 2:8)

As we witness the displacement of peoples throughout the world may we provide a merciful space for them in our prayer, in our hearts and in our response.
May peace bless each one of us this Christmas.

-Union of the Sisters of Mercy GB



Every culture, every race unites for this joyous day to commemorate the birth of our Saviour.
Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to All..

From : Marian, Lucy, Angela , Concepcion and Rosario
Religious Sisters of Mercy Philippines


 May you receive many precious gifts and blessings this Christmas

- Judy Dineen

Mary and Jesus knew what it was to be homeless too.
Image: Artwork mixed media by Judy Dineen rsm



Marge Daly rsm and Carmel Ruddick rsm from Townsville North Queensland, send our heartfelt Christmas love and prayers to all in our Mercy family.
Wishing you peace and joy.


The Conference for Mercy Higher Education, the network of 17 US colleges and universities sponsored by the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, wishes all who serve in Mercy's name all the blessings of a peaceful Advent season and many joys as Christmas draws near.


Photo: the outdoors Advent wreath at Saint Joseph's College of Maine, courtesy of Michael Sanderl, vp and chief sponsorship and mission integration officer.



Sister Colette and the Sisters of the Institute of Our Lady of Mercy, Great Britain send greetings to our Mercy world family for a blessed and peace filled Christmas and New Year.

May the Hope, the Peace, the Joy and the Love of that first Christmas, fill our Hearts and our Homes and spread out to all we encounter. We give thanks for all that has been.


May the spirit of Our Lady of Mercy grant you and your family peace, love, and a happy heart.

God bless you during Advent,
this Christmas season, and
throughout the coming year.

Mercyhurst Prep Community,
Erie, Pennsylvania

Image: Artist: Mercyhurst alumna and faculty member, Lindsey Corle ‘04


Feliz Navidad de nueva Zelanda a las Hermanas de la Misericordia en el pueblo de Santiago y las otra lugares para 2017.

One hand made stitched graphic given to St Teresa's primary school Bluff for helping the hungry

- Ann Kennelly



This is a time for peace within the Earth community. Christmas blessings from Mary Tinney


As Love is born the Universe gathers as one
in awe and contemplation
and, in doing so, receives love universal.

The immensity of the Cosmos,
the light of the star,
humanity from across Earth’s nations,
draw us beyond boundaries
into communion with all that exists.

May you be led this Christmas
by the ancient, blazing light of the Star who is Christ.
May you walk your journey
from the depths of your heart,
awakening to yourself and the world
the gifts of Love, Compassion, Creativity, Wonder
and Promises to be revealed.

Mary-Louise, Maria, Trish, Marg and Margaret
Leadership Team Sisters of Mercy Parramatta


To our world wide Mercy Community
we send our gratitude,
our prayers,
our love
and pray for
peace in all hearts,
in all lands.
We strive to live
the Mercy Core Values
and keep Mercy alive.

With love,
Associates Gale and Dave Zensky


Across the miles, we here in Colon, Panamá send you our heartfelt Christmas blessings!
We hope you have a Happy New Year...with Peace, love and good health.....
Count on our continued prayers,
Your sisters
Dina and Barbara


Blessings and love to all in our family of mercy. May Christ be born in your hearts again in the Christmas light of compassion and love.

Wishing you all peace.
Carmel Ruddick rsm


Christmas Greetings

The Most Reverend Dwight D Irons, DD



Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA

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