Mamre Plains Ltd

Lot 1 Mamre Road
St Marys, NSW 1790

Tel: +61 (2 9670 6178
Fax: +61 2 9834 2698


In 1984, the NSW Department of Planning made Mamre Homestead and surrounding acreage available to the Sisters of Mercy to be developed as a training centre for the unemployed of the area.

In 1985 the Sisters of Mercy, Parramatta, initiated the Mamre Project which arose through the work of their Youth Team in St Marys/ St Clair. In a radical approach combining Job creation, training and tourism the Sisters aimed to develop personal motivation and competence through work and training relevant to community and industry needs.

Vision Statement

“A place of promise where individuals are enabled to realise their potential and to participate in the community.”

Mission Statement

At Mamre we embrace the Mercy values and we create an environment in which we:

  • Identify and respond to emerging community needs
  • Encourage enterprise and innovation
  • Adopt holistic methods and approaches
  • Respect and value the contributions of our staff and volunteers
  • Develop skills and expertise of our staff
  • Foster partnerships

Mamre Today

Mamre is now owned by Planning NSW and leased to the Sisters of Mercy. The property and homestead are on the NSW Heritage List.

Mamre Plains Ltd is a community work of the Sisters of Mercy, Parramatta providing training and employment services to youth at risk, people with a disability, people returning to the workforce, and refugees.

Mamre has an immense potential for the development of innovative employment and training programs to assist people in Western Sydney.