September 22, 2012
Australia is a country of destination for trafficked persons. Women have been trafficked into Australia for sexual exploitation, domestic service, mail-order brides, sweat shops and manufacturing. Men have been exploited into working in slave like conditions in the construction and agriculture areas as well as hospitality. There have been some young children who have been trafficked for adoption. Child sex tourism involves Australian men travelling to Asian countries. The government has very strong laws in relation to this and there have been Australians prosecuted for this crime. People are trafficked into Australia from countries in south east Asia.
Meredith Evans rsm, Carole McDonald rsm, Therese Power rsm and Anne Tormey rsm are among the members of ACRATH from around Australia who made their sixth annual pilgrimage to Canberra ( August 19 - 24), the nation's capital, in a bid to influence policies affecting people trafficked into Australia. They met with 117 people including Members of Parliament, Ministerial Advisors, Departmental Officers, staff in Embassies and Catholic agencies. The outcomes of the visit can be read here.