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Opposing Human Trafficking

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Trafficking E-Focus Group – Sisters of Mercy West Midwest Community, USA

August 25, 2012


"At the June 2012 Gathering of the Sisters of Mercy West Midwest Community, I spoke with several sisters about trafficking as an issue of particular interest to them and/or in which they are involved in some way, " writes Jeanne Christensen rsm.

"The West Midwest Community covers a huge geographical area; for those familiar with the United States, our community spans from Michigan to California. This makes it impossible to hold face-to-face meetings, so we conceived the idea of forming an e-focus group. Its purpose is to provide for persons to be part of the conversations to share information and resources, strengthen or connect existing networks, promote collaborative advocacy efforts and to learn from and encourage each other. There was a strong response to the invitation issued in the community e-newsletter.

The present e-focus group has 31 members who are Sisters of Mercy, Mercy associates, and colleagues from other women religious communities. The invitation to join remains open and individuals continue to respond.

We held our first conference call on August 7 with ten participants from across the community – covering four time zones! Introductions revealed a wide scope of interest and involvement covered over with a deep passion for addressing this issue. Three areas were identified as helpful in addressing advocacy. These are: legislative advocacy, consciousness-raising about the issues (educating others, especially community and associate members), and hands-on ministry with women.

Strong interest in finding and/or developing educational opportunities was expressed. The group thought it would be good to begin with Mercy-sponsored institutions, especially health care, Mercy Housing, educational institutions, and ministries serving women where there are sisters in pivotal positions who this focus group could get involved in addressing the issue. Mission Effectiveness is an example of a pivotal position. Another group noted was the Mercy Higher Education Colloquium.

The focus group thought a simple curriculum or course could be found or developed. There is a need to search for what may already be available as well as for persons who could present. One member has an informative brochure which she developed as part of her research for a college course that we will share with all e-focus group members.

How do we help the Mercy community know about this e-focus group on trafficking? We can invite advocacy, share the informational brochure, have an article in WMW Messenger with a link to additional information, post on the WMW web page, request having an educational day on trafficking at consultation network (perhaps the day before) with a presenter. We would like to see the latter occur within a year.

With regard to advocacy, the federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act (SB1301) needs to be renewed and would be an excellent bill for which to advocate. When the group asked about time on the upcoming consultation network agenda and realized it would be difficult since that agenda is already packed, agreed to ask the WMW Justice Team to draft a letter (as they have done for previous consultation networks) on this legislation. Those present would sign it (thus an introductory learning on the issue) and the copies would be sent to the appropriate congress persons. A table tent could also be used to enhance the learning. We will also inquire about having the informational brochure available at these meetings.

The group would like to have bibliographies of resources including website links, DVDs, presenters. Identifying national networks is essential, and each participant was asked to send any with which they are familiar in addition to those listed during the call. These will be submitted to Jeanne Christensen rsm who is coordinating this e-focus group. Conference calls are scheduled for September and October – the work continues!"

For additional information or to become involved, please send your name, email and phone number to Jeanne Christensen, RSM, WMW Justice Team at