![]() During their interviews a number of Speakers cited references. Viewers might be interested in following up on these: Title spoken of by Denis Edwards and Julia Upton RSM
For millennia plant and animal species have received little sustained attention as subjects of Christian theology and ethics in their own right. Focused on the human dilemma of sin and redemptive grace, theology has considered the doctrine of creation to be mainly an overture to the main drama of human being`s relationship to God. What value does the natural world have within the framework of religious belief? The crisis of biodiversity in our day, when species are going extinct at more than 1,000 times the natural rate, renders this question acutely important... Hardcover: 352 pages Purchase online from Amazon Titles spoken of by Margaret Farley RSM:
Ecological restoration integrates the science and art of repairing ecosystems damaged by human activities. Despite relatively little attention from environmental ethicists, restoration projects continue to gain significance, drawing on citizen volunteers and large amounts of public funds, providing an important model of responding to ecological crisis....Read more here eBook Purchase online from Georgetown University Press or Amazon
Do we truly understand the significance of fresh water in an era of economic globalization? Aimed at the educated non-specialist as well as scholars, Just Water explores important aspects of the global fresh water crisis while also providing ethical analysis and principled recommendations about fresh water use and scarcity in the twenty-first century... Read more Paperback: 230 pages Purchase online from Orbis Books or Amazon
Titles spoken of by Julia Upton RSM Twenty years ago, with The End of Nature, Bill McKibben offered one of the earliest warnings about global warming. Those warnings went mostly unheeded; now, he insists, we need to acknowledge that we've waited too long, and that massive change is not only unavoidable but already under way... Read more Paperback: 288 pages Kindle edition also available Purchase online from Amazon
HOT is a father’s cry against climate change, but most of the book focuses on solutions, offering a blueprint for how all of us–as parents, communities, companies and countries–can navigate this unavoidable new era. Combining reporting from across the nation and around the world with personal reflections on his daughter’s future, Hertsgaard provides pictures of how the next fifty years will look... Read more
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Ecological conversion...is the radical change of mind and heart that leads to a deeper love and respect for all creatures as having their own integrity before God: it involves change to a sustainable lifestyle, to sustainable patters of production and consumption and to sustainable economic and political choices... Read more Paperback